Jerrod Laber

Pushcart Prize-nominated poet and writer. Born and raised in Appalachia, now living in Virginia.

Select Publications

Lightness -- Door is a Jar Magazine (forthcoming)
Man at the beach -- Door is a Jar Magazine (forthcoming)
Identifying features - Ragaire Literary Magazine
An abandoned house - The Belfast Review
Words for my mother - Paddler Press
Maps - Paddler Press*
Cleaning a loved one's home after their death - Paddler Press
He was sick - The Madrigal
Shadows - Thin Air Magazine
Genealogy - Innisfree Poetry Journal
Concentration - Innisfree Poetry Journal
The tree was not dying - Door is a Jar Magazine
IVF as ritual sacrifice - Crab Creek Review
Her sacred inheritance - Door is a Jar Magazine
When the site of a lynching becomes a park - Door is a Jar Magazine
Why I hate the Atlanta Braves - Olney Magazine
Charcoal on canvas - Dreich Magazine
Portrait of a classicist as a drunk - Oxford Review of Books
*2024 Pushcart Prize Nominee

Some other writing

- Encounter with a Real Borges
- Prosecutors Unearthed This Catholic Abuse Case — How Many Other Scandals Stay Buried?
- The Petrograd Crime Wave That Helped Create the Soviet Union
- ‘Drug Entrepreneurs’: How Federal Drug Policy Fed Appalachia’s Overdose Crisis